So last night...our truck was broken into. I hate that it happened. Our GPS and Radar along with some CDs were stolen. Luckily, my S/O's $600 car part from work DID NOT get taken. I mean it's just a GPS and Radar but the thought of it makes me cringe that people can do such a thing. I don't want to point any fingers but we DON'T get along with our neighbors due to them constantly blocking our driveway and many calls to the police. We have tried to be so nice, kind, and patient. We have told them in the sweetest way possible. We have done NOTHING. I hate how people act that way. But what can we do? We were thinking about installing security cameras around the house. I thought about this for A WHILE now but I really think we do need it. Even if the police takes finger prints..they told us it would be up to a year until they can tell us who. When they took our GPS, I know my S/O registered it has a serial number. We're hoping that somehow, someway something happens and they get caught. I really don't understand why people have NOTHING better to do. I mean go get an education, go get a damn job, go do something positive with your life. Quit trying to ruin others' lives just for your own well-being. Just sayin'.
Anyway, I'm over it. As long as my family is safe that's all that matters. It was only $400 bucks worth of stuff and I can ALWAYS get another one. I guess they can't. Cowards.
Abigail's turning 4 months this weekend! I am so excited! She really does act like a 4 month old! I can't wait to start more solids with her. We've tried a couple of things. But nothing beats my baby girl's bottle!! She has the worse sensitive skin. She breaks out so easily. Her heat rash is pretty much gone but her cheeks are always turning reddish and I've tried Aquaphor. It helps but I just have to keep being consistent about it.
School is right around the corner. It's a bittersweet moment for me. I love when school starts but when it much things to do and it almost feels like my brains about to explode.
Top 5 Goals List:
1. Go grab some groceries..bread, milk, etc. -- DONE!
2. Try to look for some books for school. I need to do it ASAP because then I'll be complaining how it's all taken up.
3. Try and get alarm for the truck.
4. Clean out the file drawers.
5. Reorganize my coupon's...this is a MUST. The 31st is coming up and a bunch of my Q's are expiring! It's a sad sad day. But luckily this Sunday's a great newspaper weekend! I really need to subscribe to the newspaper people LOL But then again they might STEAL it..UGH!
People are so cruddy. I'm sorry to hear about your truck. Seriously, it's the worst feeling in the world when all you do is work hard. You feel robbed. I hated it the times people broke into our cars in the past and you are so upset. :( Do you have renters insurance? It's fairly affordable and worth having.