Sunday, July 10, 2011

Horrid Walmart Experience with LO...

DH and I decided to take LO to Walmart. Before I leave the house, just as any other mommy would do, I always always make sure I am prepared. But no matter how prepared you are...something always goes wrong. =/ Go figure. I always change my LO's diaper before leaving the house. I use a mixture of Pampers and Luvs. I loved using Luvs when she was in her newborn stages. My friend actually bought me a pack and told me she used it with her daughter. I was hooked. Now that Abigail has doubled her birth weight..Luvs has started to get worse. It started off with LO having one minor blow out at the store with me and DH a couple of weeks ago. Nothing major just a bit on her onsie. Then another teeny tiny blowout at home. Nothing major. Then, every 2 hours that she's in Luvs, it starts to STINK like pee! Literally, strong! I can't even go 3 hours with that diaper being on. Sucks! Its disgusting. I have a 300 count box of Luvs that I'm only HALFWAY done using and I can't wait to finish the pack. I think I have 40-50 left? I might just give that to my S/O's sister to have her try it out and see how she likes it.

Anyway, today was horrible. We were only gone for an hour and a half maybe 2 hours MAX. We took LO inside Walmart in her car seat. She was fast asleep. That Walmart was so hot and humid for some odd reason. But then again we weren't in the BEST side of town at the time. She woke up in a pretty good mood. I noticed she started to make funny faces. It looked like she was pretty frustrated so I decided to take her out of her car seat and carry her. Not knowing she's trying to poop. I then see the side of her leg covered in poo! Her receiving blanket was covering her leg up. My S/O was behind me and he saw that she was still pooping because it kept coming out of her diaper! It got all over her car seat. I was furious! Funny, we didn't even bring out diaper bag because its so heavy and I just brought in her bottle with formula in my purse. We didn't think we would take long. My S/O runs to the car in less than a minute! Lol! I am so frustrated..I'm trying to find a family restroom and when we do find it, its locked. The stupid Walmart girl was talking AND texting on her phone. She was sitting RIGHT by the door of the family RR and didnt even care when we asked her. So I didn't want to wait and decided to go in the public restroom. It was HOTTER than the rest of the store. I was so mad. To top it off, there was a person taking a crap in there. It stunk so bad! I hated it. The stupid diaper changing table was right next to the stall. Stupid I know. It was in the way of people trying to walk to the restroom stalls and in the way of the sinks. How dumb of them to build it there. Anyway, I proceeded to take everything out. Put DD on the changing mat and she started to SCREAM. She cried so hard. And lucky me, people kept coming in and out! I was so mad. I hate Walmart. I rarely go in Walmart. Only if I have to. They gave me dirty looks especially one lady with I think a 9-10 year old daughter it looked like. She kept starring and eyeballing me. I was so annoyed. DD was crying, I had to rush and clean her blow out. I threw away her blanket, onsie and socks. Hurried and put her in a new onsie and gave her to her dad. Then I came back in and cleaned her car seat. It was all over her buckle and straps, her car seat bottom and seeped through under the fabric.

Never again will I use Luvs. People say its because she needs to move a size up. This is the size up I moved her to. Its still a bit big on her while newborns are bit small on her. I think its just the combination of her growing up and Luvs not fitting well with the shape of her body. I was sweating. I swear it was so hot it felt like the AC was broken. I'm never going to that Walmart again either. Lol

I'm still paying for it. I'm trying to clean her car seat cover in the washer and it still smells like poo. Lol =( We came home and I hurried and showered DD and then myself. I'm exhausted. DD is knocked out and I'm going to bed.


1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I hate poop explosions! Since I changed LO's formula, she's been exploding out of her disposables lately and it's everywhere! I haven't experienced it yet with our cloth diapers but I hope that won't happen.

    I was hoping to try out the Luv diapers as soon as I'm done with the Pampers because I like to use the disposables at night and during nap time since she's a heavy wetter. Maybe I will start out with a small pack to begin with.



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