Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Stockpile Brag!

So I've couponed before I was pregnant but I wasn't as into it as I was throughout my pregnancy and now. Its been over a year...almost about a year and a half since I've been couponing "hardcore". I've built a great stockpile and I'm still building up on it. It's so exciting. I can't believe I'm excited about building a stockpile rather than shopping for clothes, makeup, shoes, etc. LOL But its fun and it is LOTS of work. I spend hours and hours finding deals, stores, and coupons. Loves it.
Here's my stockpile. Its pretty messy right now because I haven't figured out a great way to organize all my stuff yet. So please excuse the messiness.
 Diaper Stockpile =) It's clearly not enough for me. I think I have a diaper and wipes buying problem.
My wipes stockpile below...that definitely not enough for me. I would like to get some more wipes. But it will do. =)
 Sorry, its a bit messy. I just put everything on top of each other. I have to figure out another method. The closet is clearly getting full so now I need a bigger one. I have to relocate my stockpile. Lol You can't really see it but on top I have my deodorants. Their all behind each other so it doesn't look like much but it IS lol
I try to put stuff in order by category but since room is running out I have to stack them on top of each other. These are some mouthwashes, shampoo, conditioner, body wash. Band aids, neosporin, etc.
 YES I have a random marker in there. I have to move that to my supply closet stockpile. I didn't take a picture of that yet though. But I do have quite a few pens, pencils, paper clips, thumb tacks. This section is mixed with my Q tips shampoo, mouthwash again, hair color, hair ties, floss, etc.
Another view of it.
The last two end caps again. The top shelf is my toothpastes, smell goods, tooth brushes, body washes again, in the green box is lip balms I put in there, I have plenty more things but again its all messy!
These are in my RR as of right now since we use them and might be too lazy to go get it. Its nothing special but my 2 packs of bar soaps, pads, toliet paper, wipes, air freshner. 

I also have 8 Dish Washing Liquid Soap which I put under my kitchen sink. A bunch of school supplies like 5 packs of 10ct pens, 200 thumb tacks, 800 paper clips, and a bunch of other stuff. I also have a huge stockpile of food in my food pantry. Supplies and food will be in another post. Kind of lazy to take a picture right now. LOL I am so proud of it!! I worked hard to do this.

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