Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy (Late) Father's Day!

Hope everyone enjoyed their Fathers Day! We did. I ended up dragging daddy and Abby out to Babies R US. My favorite store!! I bought Abigail a pacifier holder bag and another teething ring her daddy wanted her to get. The other day I bought a snail for her. She seems to stare at herself in the mirror. LOL! I love buying her new things! I cant wait until she actually interacts with it more often. She's starting to stare at me and when I talk to her she just laughs and smiles away! She loves her mommy's voice. Its amazing that my daughter loves me so much! I never had that with my own mother so its a big deal. My father isn't also present with us now but I know he's looking down on us and my father was my best friend. =) Daddy and Abby will also be best friends! Here are the toys...

She doesn't really like this teether as of right now but I think I have to cool it in the fridge for a bit for her to like it. It's really soft and squishy not like most of the teethers I have..their all full and hard for her to chew on. But she doesn't seem to like this as much.

She's pretty indifferent about her snail. She stares at herself in the mirror and it looks as if she's wondering what's going on with it! I read that someone's LO loved it and ended up loving tummy time because of this toy. But that didn't work out with Abigail. Hoping it will later on.

I've always lost pacifiers. Or misplaced them and didn't know where to grab them. Everytime we go somewhere her pacifiers are just in every pocket of her diaper bag or in the car or in the car seat. It's just difficult for me. I do have a pacifier clip I made for her but sometimes it's in the way and harder to carry/handle her with it clipped on her shirt since I don't want to hurt her in anyway. But I hope this comes in handy. I just bought this today. Its the Babies R US kind and its a lady bug on there. It looks like a babies purse! LOL! They had other ones but this one was on sale as well as the teether for B1G1 50% off. So I decided why not? 


  1. I am always down for a trip to Babies R Us! I swear the people there know us already.

    I totally need to figure out how to get my little boy to enjoy tummy time because he is not having it.

    and the Pacifier bag is ADORABLE!

  2. Thanks!! I know right! I love BRU! I drag my DH at least on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. I'd prefer that over shopping for myself :)



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