I am so tired and annoyed from unwanted advice. My mother just came by and is constantly nagging in my ear about how I shouldn't sit her up often and how Abby always has to be laying down because she'll grow up to have a hunched back. Ummm, let me ask her pedi about that and leave me alone please! I hate everyone who just annoys me about doing this and that. I mean its MY CHILD and I will do what I think is right for her. It's my time, you had your time. Leave me alone now. K, thanks! Vent over.
Abigail has been having some tummy time troubles. She hates doing tummy time! When she was about 1 and a half months, she would at least attempt to lift her head up and had pretty good head control but now she just gets so frustrated and mad. The only thing she'll tolerate is tummy time on her boppy. Or anything that props her up! Tummy time pictures :)
My poor sweet baby girl has a red dot on the white of her eye. It looks as if she poked it, or it irritated her when she strained to poop or cried too hard. The pedi told us to wait a couple of days and if it doesn't go away to make an appointment. As long as its not irritating her, she's not rubbing on it, or it doesn't seem painful to her. It bugs me to see this. =(
My little guy is the same about his tummy time... he will have NONE of it unless it's on his boppy! So no worries, you're not alone! :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd the hunched back from sitting up is a new one! My relatives have some crazy advice but that's a pearl they haven't shared with me! ;-) Hope you're able to figure out how to not let it bug you... (and if you do, let me know how! haha!)