Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy 3 Months to my Baby Girl!!

 I cant believe my baby girl is 3 months old today! Time flies by so quickly. I remember I was about 7 months pregnant at my baby shower, huge as a whale, ready for her to come out. Now that she's here..its really the best feeling in the world. I love her so much! She makes me smile everyday no matter how mad, sad, angry I am. LOL! I bought her a Laugh and Learn Jumperoo as her 3 month old present. =) Hehe I can't wait to use it. Here are a couple of 3 month old pictures..and two newborn pictures. Time flies by so fast *tear*.

We decided to buy her this Jumperoo. I researched for days trying to decide which one I really wanted for her. The rainforest one seemed really popular but once I started to look at it, it didn't have as much toys as this one and DH didn't really like it as much. He liked the Laugh and Learn better so we got this one even though it was a bit more pricey. 

The picture with her outfit was during Easter Weekend we took her to take pictures I think she was 3-4 weeks old.

This one was today, after her bath, some food in her tummy, and she's sleeping away with her Sea Horse! She's been co-sleeping with us since 2 months because I feel more comfortable with her next to us.
  The rest of the pictures are recent ones showing how big my baby girl has gotten at 3 months! Wow! My LO is growing up too fast! I can't believe that she won't grow up with Prada (our boxer). Prada loves to play and she would match perfectly when Abigail gets in her toddler years. Boo, I miss my doggy! I cant believe we wont grow old with her. I wish she would pop up somewhere unexpectedly or at least pop up in front of our door one day!

I want to start buying Baby Einstein things for her. I love Baby Einstein. When I use to babysit in high school, I had a lady who's daughter I cared for for about a year and a half, who always told me about baby items that I never really cared for. Now that I have a child of my own, I'm constantly researching for things that are the best for her. It's so fun and exciting!! I'm going to buy her her Baby Einstein toy and DVDs that the lady swore by! She also swore by Avent bottles and I love them more than any other bottle! Just my preference.

We showed Abby this the other day at Target and she LOVED it! She starred at it for five minutes with a huge smile on her face and she rarely does that with her toys at home! So we're set on getting it. I have also showed her some short Baby Einstein videos online and she just watches it in awe! I will be buying those also.

Monday, June 27, 2011

NOT Losing Hope....

Yesterday, our first pride and joy Prada (Our boxer) ran away. DH woke up at 6am to go bathe our dogs..and as I don't want to blame him so much for doing this but..he took both of them outside at the same time to wash. He usually takes one of them at a time. Well I don't know why he had this bright idea. Our little dog (Min. Pin.) loves to be attached to the hip to our boxer. Their like best friends. Well, he has this spazzing problem where he goes crazy if he sees her about 20 feet away from him. It would be better if he was in the house and she was outside by herself that way he can at least not see what she's doing. He likes to be the center of attention I guess you can say.

Anyway, DH finished bathing the little dog first. I don't know why since our boxer is twice as big and I ALWAYS tell him to wash her first that way she can dry off while he's bathing since it takes her a little bit longer to dry off. He NEVER listens. Anyway, I could hear our little dog barking, crying, spazzing out from inside of the house all the way in our master bedroom (they were in the garage). I didn't think much of it. He came in and told me that Prada ran down the street and he came to bring our little dog Dash in. Well, whenever our boxer runs away she usually runs in circles in OUR street since we live in a Cul-De-Sac. This time that wasn't the case. DH put Dash in and got in his truck and went looking for her. He claims that he could see her before he brought Dash in. So right when he brought him in, he jumped in his truck and left fairly quickly to find her and he claims he couldn't see her at all as soon as he left in his truck. Well, DH's definition of "fast" isn't so fast. He is slow in EVERYTHING he does. He takes his time. I'm so mad at him. He's mad at himself. We can't really blame anybody because she was shaking to dry herself off and her collar was loose. So she ran off. Usually my dogs don't notice their collars are loose but I think our boxer was pretty fed up with the fact that she wasn't getting "as much" attention as she use to. That was DH's soul mate. They had the same birthdays and he loved that dog. It was unfortunate that he was the one that didn't take her running off so seriously. If he claims he rushed to jump in his truck to look for her and she was no where to be found so quickly (she does NOT run that fast, she's slow in running, slower than my little dog). Then I do have a feeling that someone probably saw her and grabbed her and put her in their car then drove off. Because we live in the first street when you turn into the neighborhood. Well all day yesterday we searched this whole neighborhood. I mean she couldn't have gotten THAT far. But then again we live right behind a shopping strip and a fast food restaurant. DH took Dash outside late last night to look for her again and he thought he heard her bark but it was another dog. I just don't understand, out of all dogs that get loose around here (even the lady thats 2 houses down from us has about 5-10 dogs literally and they get loose and wander around all the time) and none of them I've seen never get actually "lost". Their just wandering around the neighborhood. We do have two tracks and a little further down a playground area. The tracks use to be bayou's so they have water in them. I have no idea why we can't find her at all. We dont want to think the worse but we don't know what else to do. That was our first baby, our first dog and we love her to death.

I really think she was fed up because that was DH's best friend but when Abigail came along we couldn't play with her as much as she wanted us to. Our boxer LOVES to play and she loves the attention. We showed her we loved her but it wasn't enough. Whenever DH would play with Abby, she would stare with sad eyes. I felt so bad. We BOTH feel so bad. It opened our eyes to show us that we took our dog for granted...and she was one spoiled dog so she was so use to being spoiled that when we didn't show that anymore, she took it hard. Our little dog, he wasn't as spoiled so he's pretty laid back, calm and easy peasy. I miss my boxer. She was so smart, gentle, loving, and just loved to play.

We're NOT losing hope. DH just made LOST DOG signs before he left work this morning. He said theres no local animal shelters near us so he doubts that anyone dropped her off there. I doubt anyone would want to give her up. She's such a beautiful brindle breed boxer. Loving ,caring, loyal, she listens, she's not hard to train. Well, she's WELL trained. I'm going to miss our Prada. We love her so much. It breaks my heart...

You will always be missed Prada. We will never give up looking for you. But we do hope that IF someone did keep you, you are with a well deserving family...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Friday! Tummy Time Troubles

I am beyond exhausted. Well, my exhaustion can be way different from what others would call "exhausted". I'm use to sleeping 11-13 hours a day. (Yes, call me lazy/bum whatever you want to..I dont care). Abigail sleeps really well through out the night. She has been a great baby since she's gotten home from the hospital. Lately, she's been waking me up at 9am (Yes, I'm complaining about my little one waking me up at 9am!) LOL And kicking, cooing, awing, and just moving all over the place. It's her cue and sign that tells mommy to "play with me please!". Its so cute. Her naps aren't really 2 hour naps anymore. Their more like less than an hour and "mommy please play with me". She's fussing as of right now after her only napping for 30 minutes. Oh my sweet baby girl! :)

I am so tired and annoyed from unwanted advice. My mother just came by and is constantly nagging in my ear about how I shouldn't sit her up often and how Abby always has to be laying down because she'll grow up to have a hunched back. Ummm, let me ask her pedi about that and leave me alone please! I hate everyone who just annoys me about doing this and that. I mean its MY CHILD and I will do what I think is right for her. It's my time, you had your time. Leave me alone now. K, thanks! Vent over.

Abigail has been having some tummy time troubles. She hates doing tummy time! When she was about 1 and a half months, she would at least attempt to lift her head up and had pretty good head control but now she just gets so frustrated and mad. The only thing she'll tolerate is tummy time on her boppy. Or anything that props her up! Tummy time pictures :)
My poor sweet baby girl has a red dot on the white of her eye. It looks as if she poked it, or it irritated her when she strained to poop or cried too hard. The pedi told us to wait a couple of days and if it doesn't go away to make an appointment. As long as its not irritating her, she's not rubbing on it, or it doesn't seem painful to her. It bugs me to see this. =(

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Finally 95% finished with Abigail's Room!

I've been bugging my S/O to finish the nursery since I was 5 months pregnant with Abby. But things always came up and we couldn't agree on some things. Well after I had her, things took a different spin..Abigail was in NICU for 2 weeks and other things happened. There just wasn't time. Well, I finally finished it 95%! LOL

I wish I found some curtains and a nice rug but I've been looking everywhere for a round rug that matched perfectly with her room. No luck. Boo! Also, some curtains but I can't figure out what kind. But I bought some decals and decided to do something to the room with the help of my BFF. Not my S/O! LOL! Here are the results....

It took about 2 days to finish all the decals. Thanks to the help of my BFF! Without her I think it would've took longer! LOL! I still have to buy her some rugs and curtains as I said before. Don't mind the ABC play mats. They were suppose to be for the living room when she starts to be more interactive with her toys and crawling and such. It doesn't match the room so it bugs me! LOL I didn't want to paint the room because I was too lazy to pick out and color and all that other stuff. But I like how it turned out :)

Oh excuse the mess! I haven't really tidied up I guess you can say! Hence the "95%" finished part. Lol

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm 12 weeks old today! Pics galore!

Abigail is officially 12 weeks old today and I do notice a huge difference!! 
She has been cooing, laughing, smiling, and noticing so many things this past week and a half! She loves to smile and laugh at mommy whenever I talk baby talk to her. It's the greatest feeling. But she hates to take naps during the day now and will try her best to stay awake as much as possible. Here are some Pictures Galore!!

Abby relaxing with mommy!
 Abby laying on daddy's lap! She loves being with daddy!
  Abigail about to go out grocery shopping and run errands with mommy!

Abigail on Saturday going with mommy and daddy!
Abigail today. Trying to nap with her Seahorse! She's starting to love her Seahorse <3
Mommy testing out Abigail's new tutu that mommy made her for the first time!

I swear they grow up so fast. I already miss her newborn days. I wish she was that little again. I miss the feeling I had when I saw her brand spankin' new out of my womb. LOL Although I was tired and exhausted (from an emergency c-section). I miss all of the hospital things. But I do love that she's growing up and learning new things. I love my baby girl! Happy 12 weeks!! Almost 3 months! Just almost!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy (Late) Father's Day!

Hope everyone enjoyed their Fathers Day! We did. I ended up dragging daddy and Abby out to Babies R US. My favorite store!! I bought Abigail a pacifier holder bag and another teething ring her daddy wanted her to get. The other day I bought a snail for her. She seems to stare at herself in the mirror. LOL! I love buying her new things! I cant wait until she actually interacts with it more often. She's starting to stare at me and when I talk to her she just laughs and smiles away! She loves her mommy's voice. Its amazing that my daughter loves me so much! I never had that with my own mother so its a big deal. My father isn't also present with us now but I know he's looking down on us and my father was my best friend. =) Daddy and Abby will also be best friends! Here are the toys...

She doesn't really like this teether as of right now but I think I have to cool it in the fridge for a bit for her to like it. It's really soft and squishy not like most of the teethers I have..their all full and hard for her to chew on. But she doesn't seem to like this as much.

She's pretty indifferent about her snail. She stares at herself in the mirror and it looks as if she's wondering what's going on with it! I read that someone's LO loved it and ended up loving tummy time because of this toy. But that didn't work out with Abigail. Hoping it will later on.

I've always lost pacifiers. Or misplaced them and didn't know where to grab them. Everytime we go somewhere her pacifiers are just in every pocket of her diaper bag or in the car or in the car seat. It's just difficult for me. I do have a pacifier clip I made for her but sometimes it's in the way and harder to carry/handle her with it clipped on her shirt since I don't want to hurt her in anyway. But I hope this comes in handy. I just bought this today. Its the Babies R US kind and its a lady bug on there. It looks like a babies purse! LOL! They had other ones but this one was on sale as well as the teether for B1G1 50% off. So I decided why not? 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Not a good day yesterday

Yesterday was just one of those days where you wish you could've slept through the day. I dragged my poor Abby out to do errands that had to be done and when I thought I was done..we had an issue with her insurance and I had to drag her out again. She was crying so hard at the insurance place. I felt so bad. Now we're just going in roller coasters about her not being covered half of next month all because the person who helped me did something to her coverage. She had no reason to do it and after calling many 800 numbers..I finally had one nice lady kindly told me that the other person was wrong and should have fixed it so she was going to email that lady's supervisor and the supervisor's supervisor (LOL thats what she said) and the lady has no choice but to fix it. I'm hoping that's true and it does get fixed. Its just a big mess.

I'm tired right now but Abigail wont nap at all! She naps for 10 minutes then when the pacifier falls out of her mouth she fusses. Aww, I wish I could find a solution for that. But this morning she was such a happy baby! She talked, laughed, coo'ed, and giggled for about 30 minutes while mommy was on the phone with her insurance. I kept making funny faces. Its times like these where I love being a mommy!!!

Anyway, later that night daddy, me and Abby were just relaxing on the couch. I decided to give her some of the teething toys I bought in my previous post. These were the results...
 Abigail LOVES her Raz Baby teething ring! This picture was from last night and she smiled so hard. I just gave her the same teething toy this morning and she smiled away!
 She's not so much into her Munchkin teething toy unless its frozen cold and it does melt and get hot pretty fast. But she likes it MUCH better than her other teething toys.

"Mommy, this is fun" LOL

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Shopping day with mommy!

Abigail and I went shopping today for about 4-5 hours! I took my best friend just in case she fussed. For some reason she hates being in her stroller or car seat when we go in the store. I have to always baby wear her. I love baby wearing her but sometimes mommy needs a break. I thought she would be more comfortable in her stroller or car seat..but Abby gets what she wants! LOL, I thought I would try to put her in her stroller since my best friend was with me and she could keep Abigail busy, but nope. She was fine when we went to Walmart and Target..but when we hit Babies R US. She did NOT like mommy being in the checkout lane for too long. She just started spazzing out, it was as if something had scared her and she cried so hard. My poor baby..everyone starred at us! My friend had to take her outside so she could calm down and she did! She loves being outside even though here in Texas its 100 degree weather! LOL! Some lady in front of us said something about my baby girl crying but whatever..people are so rude now a days. Sorry if my child is crying, I'm trying my best to console her. Its not like shes bugging you anyway. Ugh! Well mommy bought her some teething toys since she loves to teeth on my finger.

DH wanted this for Abigail, he thought this would help her. Hoping that it does. Shes been such a cranky baby!!
I've seen this a couple of times and it has pretty good reviews so I thought I would try it out. 

I also got her a Raz Baby Pacifier. I wanted it when I went about a month ago but didn't know if it was worth it. But so far I love it. She loves to drop her pacifiers. This is perfect! LOL

I also bought the Dr. Brown's pitcher. I'm hoping it will be a great investment. Plus I had a 20% off coupon. Its a pretty small pitcher but Abby doesn't drink but 3oz per feeding so it should be okay for us for now. I've heard so many good reviews about it and we use powdered formula (Similac Sensitive) and it does make a bit more bubbles, its also foamy..I'm also running out of Ready to Made and those things are so expensive. Formula lasts longer and good for our budget. I will come back with reviews on this. 

Mommy got her a Fisher Price Sea Horse! Hoping she would love it. She was such in a bad mood today when we got home. She was overwhelmed and tired. Poor Baby. She didn't care about any of it. LOL I did put it in her room next to her play pen though with the music on. I've heard so many good reviews on it. I'm hoping it does soothe her and help her. She's a pretty high maintenance baby and cries all the time. She just wants to be held so much. She doesn't really like any of her toys as of right now. She is about 10 weeks. I'm hoping she does. But she was also born 3 weeks early, so maybe that plays a factor into her developmental stages also. My poor baby girl. 

I'm going to try and make her some tutu's soon. So hopefully I have some success with that and can post some on here to show!! =) Good night all!


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